Reflections on our 40 years of friendship

Created by Mandy 4 years ago

Beautiful, beautiful Annette, how lucky am I to have met you all those years ago at Portsmouth Poly. We were clueless as to what adult life would bring, lost in all the fun of student life - with a little bit of studying thrown in. 

Two peaks of memory hold clear in my mind from those days. Firstly your marriage to your soul-mate George. Oh my goodness what a thing! At your tender age! What did you think you were doing? How I recall my sinking feeling at your wedding reception as we sang along and danced to The Specials ‘You’ve done too much, much too young. now you’re married with a kid when you should be having fun with me’. How wrong was I? In those days I had not fully appreciated the depth of love that you had for one another and how nothing that life could throw at you could put even a tiny chink in your bond. 

The second memory is, of course, that desperate day when the Coventry went down. I heard the news on the radio whilst working at St Mary’s Hospital. Without thinking I grabbed the keys to the transplant car and drove around to see you. Annette you are extraordinary. In all your fear and distress you were the one calming me down. Your love for George has always been your life-force but somehow your strength of character pulled you through. If I recall correctly you declined the Poly’s offer of a degree based on your work so far, insisting on sitting your finals even as George sailed home.

Parenthood took our lives in different directions and, other than the very occasional visit, we rarely saw one another for a couple of decades. We never lost contact though, exchanging Christmas cards and keeping up with each other’s news via Jenny. 

I cannot begin to tell you how much joy has been derived by both Wally and I in re-igniting our friendship over the last 6 or 7 years. Our trips to see you in Versailles were the start of a whole new phase in our friendship, grounded on great food and wine, late night card games, long city walks, laughter and reminiscing about our lives. Annette you were the best hostess. You cooked us so many delicious meals but, oh my goodness, your breakfasts were out of this world! It was beyond you to ever put your own needs before the comfort of others even to the extent of getting up before everyone to prepare fresh fruit salads, pastries, cereals, yoghurt, fresh juice, toast ........the works.

Our busy family lives had sometimes made it difficult to see each other as much as we would like so both Wally and I were over the moon when you came to visit us twice in Stroud over the last couple of years. Oh, we felt such shame when our attempts at hospitality fell well short of your dizzy heights of excellence. Your generosity of spirit and laughter were just what we needed when we walked out of Gifford’s Circus at 9:30pm only to realise that all the pubs and even the chippies had stopped serving. You regarded our meagre offerings of late night beans on toast followed by cheese and biscuits as a thoroughly reasonable alternative and I just recall us all laughing the night away. 

Who would have thought that you, Jenny and I would end up singing four part harmonies of ABBA songs? I treasure that day and that weekend when we three ‘girls’ and we three couples finally got to spend a whole weekend together. I wanted to make that happen time and time again over the years to come but am so grateful to have the memories of a very special time. We sang like nightingales (or possibly crows!) 

My friend Annette; compassion at her core. She held true to her heartfelt values being non-judgemental, loving, caring and loyal. She loved an adventure whether it was attempting the Coast to Coast Walk or living in Versailles hobnobbing with the posh ladies whilst remaining totally down to earth Above everything else she loved her family. 

Annette, I know that your lifelong and last wish was and will have been for the happiness of your family. As George begins to move forwards to whatever the future holds, we will be there holding our friendship tight. 

Bless you Annette, sleep tight in the knowledge that you brought good to this world, 

Mandy x